We restore, preserve and enhance
public and private heritage.
Our fields of expertise
Aurige, with multiple fields of expertise in a great variety of trades, is at the service of the re-construction and restoration of architectural heritage.
Our heritage appears to us as timeless.
Indeed Aurige has been encouraging this day after day for decades .
SIXTINE is the luxury branch of the group,
It brings together and combines our mastercrafts and top talents for exclusive services dedicated to architects, decorators and interior designers.
19 July 2024
Vidéo - Grutage des statues des Evangélistes de l’église de la Sainte Trinité
10 July 2024
Achèvement du chantier de restauration du Chœur et du transept de l’Eglise Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Port, Sables d'Olonne
Envie d'en savoir plus ?